paiz konsulting, firma szkoleniowa lublin, firma doradcza lublin, instytut zarządzania lublin, szkolenia dla menedżerów lublin, szkolenia ze sprzedaży lublin, szkolenia liderów lublin, akademia menedżera lublin, grywalizacja lublin, gamifikacja lublin


Shift 2 Green – Promoting Eco-friendly Habits at Work with Gamification, (Shift2Green – Promoting eco-friendly habits at work with gamification).

The international project started in 2022 and aims to build environmental awareness and develop the competences of SME leaders and employees in order to start the green transformation at both organizational and personal levels. The general objective of the project is to develop environmental awareness of company employees and encourage SMEs to seek innovative solutions leading to ecological transformation, creating value for their organizations and business environment. One of the results will be the development of gamification addressed to educators from vocational education and employees of SMEs. The application aims to promote ecological habits at work.

Project partners: PAIZ Consulting, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), RepaNet Cleantech Bulgaria, Klaipėdos prekybos, pramonės ir amatų rūmai.

The partners considered their organizations and their representatives from the target group to improve their skills in green behavior at work and become real change agents. They will develop educational solutions that will help VET educators, SME leaders to initiate change and give guidance on the eco-transformation of SMEs.

More information can be found on the project website